December 13, 2022

Aktiv + Top Hat: FAQ

There’s a lot of excitement around Aktiv joining the Top Hat family. We wanted to provide answers to your most common questions.

Jackie Kroeger-Donovan

Director of Customer Success, Aktiv


What was the recent Aktiv Learning announcement?

We recently announced that Aktiv Learning is being acquired by Top Hat, the leader in student engagement technology.  Top Hat’s scale and resources will allow us to move even faster to deliver innovation for more chemistry and math courses, as well as more STEM disciplines.

Faculty and students’ experience with Aktiv Chemistry or Aktiv Mathematics will not change as they will continue to enjoy the same great technology, work with the same great people and receive the same pricing they have come to expect. As always, our commitment to affordability and exceptional support is unwavering.


Will Aktiv Chemistry and Aktiv Mathematics continue to be available as standalone platforms?

Yes, Akitv Chemistry and Aktiv Mathematics will continue to be available as the same standalone platforms they are today. In fact, we have a rich roadmap that will offer new innovations and improvements to both products for the 2023-2024 academic year and into the future. 


Will there be changes to the textbook offerings for my Aktiv course?

There will be no changes. The Aktiv platform will remain textbook-independent and continue to support the textbook of your choice, just like the Top Hat platform has for over a decade. In 2023, we will begin to offer additional content options within the Aktiv platform, including four new Top Hat titles for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.  


Will I still be able to integrate with the OpenStax titles, including the recently announced John McMurry Organic Chemistry title?

Absolutely. Aktiv and Top Hat are both proud partners of OpenStax and will continue the partnership in order to deliver more affordable course materials for students on both platforms. This includes the upcoming OpenStax Organic Chemistry title by renowned author John McMurry in Fall 2023. Top Hat also offers services to support optimization of other OER sources to expand affordable content options.


Will my point of contact for Akitv change?

Aktiv users will continue to have the same point of contact and dedicated support as we want to ensure as much consistency as possible heading into the Winter/Spring term and for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year as well.


Will this change my ISBN?

No, your ISBN stays the same. That means you can use the same ISBN for the Winter/Spring 2023 term. Your Aktiv account manager will be in touch as usual to supply ISBNs for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year.


Are you changing the name of the Akitv product?

There are no plans to change the name of Aktiv Chemistry or Aktiv Mathematics.


Will this change my LMS integration?

No, your LMS integration stays the same.


Will the price for my students change?

The price for your students will not increase for the Winter/Spring 2023 term or the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year.  Top Hat and Aktiv have a shared mission to bring high quality educational experiences to students at affordable prices now and into the future.


Will I have to change my existing Aktiv Chemistry or Aktiv Mathematics courses?

There is no need to change anything for your existing course. You can copy over your existing course, along with all of your assignments. If you need any assistance, please contact your Aktiv account manager or representative, or reach out to us at


What are long term plans for Top Hat and Aktiv?

Over the coming years, our teams are excited to explore how our joint capabilities will further enable institutions and faculty to deliver more innovative and equitable learning for every student, in every course. We are committed to working with instructors and our community for insight as we develop our product roadmap. In the meantime, the product experience will not change for Top Hat or Aktiv users.


How do I learn more about Top Hat or evaluate a Top Hat textbook? 

Please contact your Aktiv account manager or representative, or reach out to us at and we can connect you with a Top Hat representative. 


I currently use Top Hat and I would also like to use Aktiv for my Winter/Spring term. How do I sign up for the promotional offer?

To explore the Aktiv platform or take advantage of the promotional offer for Aktiv for current Top Hat users, please reach out to your Top Hat account manager or representative to have your Aktiv playground account or course set-up for you and your students. 


What if  I want to use Top Hat and Aktiv in my courses? What will the price be?

Bundles for access to Top Hat and Aktiv will be available for faculty that would like to leverage both products with a cost savings.  Please contact your Aktiv account manager or representative, or reach out to us at,  to learn more about the options, pricing and to have your courses set-up.


Who should I call with questions about the announcement or my Aktiv course?

Please contact your Aktiv account manager or representative, or reach out to us at Our team is ready to help and support you with anything you and your students need.

More Resources

Read about news and announcements from Aktiv Learning as well as the latest trends in STEM education

Aktiv helped 6,400+ students reach their academic goals

Infographic: How Aktiv Helped 6,400+ Students Reach Their Academic Goals

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