September 23, 2024

Infographic: How Aktiv Helped 6,400+ Students Reach Their Academic Goals

We asked more than 6,400 students to share the impact that Aktiv Chemistry had on their learning experience. From interactivity to targeted feedback, here’s what they said.

Harleen Dhami

Senior Growth Marketing Specialist

Aktiv helped 6,400+ students reach their academic goals


Myth or fact: STEM programs are designed to ‘weed out’ students after their first year. Many faculty and students alike would argue that it’s an unfortunate reality. 

Too often, STEM students struggle to see the broader application of course material, have few opportunities to regularly demonstrate their knowledge and subsequently, aren’t given timely feedback on their progress. Enter Aktiv Chemistry: our intuitive platform designed to reimagine any General Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, GOB and Organic Chemistry course.

Our survey of more than 6,400 students who used Aktiv Chemistry in Spring 2024 illustrates the value of interactive formative assessment on the overall student experience. Plus, students reflect on the impact Aktiv Chemistry has made on their academic performance.

Interactive learning is the gateway to deeper engagement

85% of students agree that Aktiv made them more engaged and/or interested in their Chemistry.

The value of low-stakes formative assessment can’t be underestimated in STEM. Research shows that students who applied their knowledge and had opportunities to ask questions while working on STEM assignments achieved metacognitive development compared to those who didn’t participate in interactive discussions. Aktiv Chemistry’s intuitive learning platform was designed to reframe mistakes as learning moments. Interactive questions accessible from any laptop or mobile device invite students to practice applying formulas or compounds to new scenarios. 

Offering the ability to assess students beyond multiple choice questions can make a huge impact on their level of engagement. Survey respondents say their success was bolstered by Aktiv Chemistry’s Lewis Structure drawing questions (84 percent), chemical equation questions (82 percent) and nomenclature drawing questions (81 percent).

One student shared the benefit of ditching paper and pencil for Aktiv’s intuitive molecule drawing tool. “I especially liked the ease of constructing the Lewis Structures in my assignments as it was easy to choose the type of atom used, number and types of bonds and it even showed valence and formal charges,” wrote the University of Maryland Baltimore County respondent.

Improving reading completion with integrated Top Hat and OpenStax eTexts

Promoting engagement in lecture or lab is one challenge. Keeping students alert and accountable for their learning outside of class time is another hurdle. Aktiv Chemistry’s integration with four Top Hat Interactive eTexts (available for General and Organic Chemistry courses) ensure students stay on their toes with embedded reading questions, problem solving videos and simulations. As one respondent shares, using a Top Hat Interactive eText has sparked a renewed interest in reading assigned chapters. “Its interactive simulations and virtual experiments can bring chemistry concepts to life in a way that traditional textbooks or lectures cannot,” wrote the Boise State University student. Aktiv Chemistry is also a proud partner of OpenStax, granting students access to free, open resource textbooks across General and Organic Chemistry courses. Explore the 10th edition of John McMurry’s industry-leading Organic Chemistry, packed with practice problems and scaffolded questions.

Aktiv can also be used alongside any publisher text. Textbook content helps instructors scaffold learning even further. By familiarizing themselves with core concepts such as stoichiometry or atomic bonds during readings, students are more likely to feel well-prepared when completing quizzes and homework. “Problems involving drawing out structures were the most helpful when applying my knowledge from in the classroom to the homework,” shares a student from Newport University.

Actionable feedback is key to academic growth88% of students agree that Aktiv’s targeted feedback helped them succeed in their course.

Students want more than a letter grade to refer to when receiving feedback from their instructors. Many look for personalized and actionable feedback that indicates how to close their knowledge gaps for future tests. Targeted feedback like Aktiv Chemistry’s question summaries can help students structure their next study session accordingly. Survey respondents expressed clear value in Aktiv Chemistry’s tailored hints and step-by-step solutions that appear after submitting polls or drawing diagrams. “Knowing immediately whether I got something wrong or right helped me focus on problems and subjects I needed more work on,” a student from Peninsula College says.

Case studies: See how faculty have improved student outcomes by using Aktiv.

More Resources

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