The Tools You Need To Help All Students Succeed

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An Alternative to the Misconceptions-View of Learning and Assessment

Dr. Stowe explains the benefit and process of shifting our teaching practices away from considering “incorrect” student answers as indicators of define-able “misconceptions.” If we, instead, assume a “wrong answer” represents a momentary coalescence of small bits of knowledge, we can identify these “bits” and focus instruction on supporting useful “bit” activation across contexts. Dr. Stowe translates evidence and research into productive takeaways for teachers of first and second-year chemistry courses.
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Misconceptions that Chemistry Instructors Inadvertently Create through their Teaching

Sometimes the teaching methods we use to simplify complex chemistry concepts have the unintended consequence of causing confusion in students that only surfaces later on. Dr. Barke’s research has uncovered the most common of these ‘school-based misconceptions’ and he will share adjustments that instructors can make to prevent these issues as well as ways to identify and fix these misconceptions that may be lurking beneath the surface.

Misconceptions that Students Bring with Them into the Chemistry Classroom

Many students’ conceptual difficulties in chemistry result from assumptions they hold about the natural world and mental shortcuts they take in their reasoning. Dr. Vicente Talanquer will share an explanatory framework that helps instructors understand and even predict these underlying misconceptions and also address them so students can build a firmer foundation in chemistry.
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Equilibirium: Where Chemistry and Pedagogy Meet (Issue #1)

Highlighting pertinent chemistry teaching strategies that may inspire you to try new ideas in your classroom! We hope this serves as a valuable resource for your professional development.

Transform Homework into a Learning Experience

Optimizing the homework experience improves student learning and gives instructors more time to engage students in discovery, exploration, and deeper conceptual understanding.
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What Students Should Study Students shouldn’t have a choice whether to learn quantitative skills such as data fluency. Colleges must ensure that they do, Ryan Craig writes

By Ryan Craig

How COVID Has Changed The Way Chemistry Instructors are Teaching in 2021

Setting an effective chemistry teaching and learning strategy for fall means understanding not only the new challenges we face but also how college education has changed in the face of the pandemic and a year of remote learning.

How to Teach Chemistry in a More Inclusive Way

STEM and the chemistry field have often struggled with diversity. Learn how your classroom can serve your students better.
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A Guide to Keeping Students Engaged in College-Level Chemistry Courses

The most important way to improve your students’ engagement in their college chemistry courses is to employ teaching strategies that are centered on active learning.